LYS-5 Hazırlık, YDS Hazırlık, YÖKDİL Hazırlık

Paragraf Soruları Soruları Nasıl Çözülür?

E) Okuma Parçaları – YDS, YÖKDİL ve LYS-5 Soru Çözüm Teknikleri – Bölüm 6

Paragraf soruları yapılan dil sınavlarında adayları zorlayan soru türlerinden biridir. YDS, YÖKDİL, LYS-5 gibi dil sınavlarında oldukça zaman alan bu soruların nasıl çözüleceğine dair geniş bilgiyi bu yazımızdan öğrenebilirsiniz. Aklınıza takılan herhangi bir soruyu yorum olarak bize iletebilirsiniz.

Paragraf Soruları

Bu soru tipi hedef dildeki ifadeleri doğru anlama, yorumlama, sentezleme, diğer bir deyişle ileri sürülen fikirlerden sonuca ulaşma gibi üst bilişsel becerileri gerektirdiğinden ve hedef dildeki bilgileri (Yeterli kelime bilgisi (eş/zıt anlam da dahil olmak üzere), bilinenden yola çıkarak bilinmeyen hakkında doğru çıkarsama yapma yeteneği ve cümleler üzerindeki hakimiyetimize yardımcı olacak yeterli gramer bilgisi) daha bütünsel bir açıdan ölçtüğünden öğrencilerin en çok zorluk çektikleri soru tiplerinin başında yer almaktadır. Ayrıca bu özelliklerinden dolayı dil sınavlarında soru sayısı bakımından diğer soru tiplerine kıyasla daha fazla yer verilmesinden dolayı büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Paragraf Soruları Nasıl Çözülür?

Şimdi bu soru türüyle ilgili dikkat edilmesi gereken unsurları maddeler halinde inceleyelim;

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 1

Metini okumaya geçmeden önce, ilgili sorular okunabilir. Bu bizlere birazdan okuyacağımız metnin neyle ilgili olduğu hakkında bir ön bilgiye sahip olmamıza ve daha da önemlisi bazı soruların içerdikleri ifadelerden dolayı bizleri cevap adına odaklanmamız gereken satırlara yönlendirmeye yardımcı olacaktır. Ayrıca bunu yapmak sınavlarda bizler için çok önemli olan süreden tasarruf etmemize de yardımcı olacaktır. (Ancak, bu öncelik bireyler arasında farklılık gösterebilir.)


It is stated in the passage that in the early 20th century ….

“in the early 20th century” (20. yüzyılın başında) ifadesinden yola çıkarak metinde 1900’lerin başlarındaki yılları içeren satırlara odaklanmak cevaba daha kısa sürede ve daha doğru bir şekilde ulaşmamıza yardımcı olacaktır.

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 2

Metindeki sayısal verilere dikkat edilmelidir. (Tarihler, yüzde ifadeleri %…, miktar belirteçlerini içeren ifadeler de bu başlığa dahil edilebilir.)


“At that time many people believed that such a progress was not possible” ifadesi şu şekilde doğru cevap haline getirilebilir;

A) There were only a few people who had positive attitudes towards the possibility of such a progress.

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 3

Bağlaçlara dikkat edilmelidir. Bunu yapmak ifadeler arasındaki anlamsal ilişkiyi daha iyi anlamamıza ve metni cümle parçacıklarına ayırarak onlar üzerindeki hakimiyetimizi artırmaya yardımcı olacaktır.

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 4

Sıfatlara ve dolayısıyla Relative Clause yani “Sıfat Cümlelerine” dikkat edilmelidir. Bu yapıların kavramlar hakkında açıklama getirici, detaylandırıcı ve bilgilendirici doğalarından ve cümleleri olduğundan daha uzun ve karmaşıklarmış gibi gösterebileceğinden dolayı doğru cevaba dönüşme potansiyelleri yüksektir.

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 5

Seçeneklerde bizlere sunulan bilgilerin soru kökünde verilen ifadeye ait olup olmadığına dikkat edilmelidir. Bazen dikkat düzeyimizi ve metin üzerindeki kontrolümüzü ölçmek amacıyla soru hazırlayanlar metinde geçen bir cümlenin neredeyse aynısını seçeneklere yansıtır ve bunu genelde soru kökünde bulunan farklı bir unsurla özdeşmiş gibi göstermeye çalışırlar. Bu seçenekler metinde kesinlikle böyle bir şey okuduğundan emin olan dikkatsiz adaylar için mükemmel çeldiricilerdir.


Laws are actually rules and guidelines that are set up by the social institutions to govern behavior. These laws are made by government officials that in some countries are elected by the public to represent their views. In simple terms, laws are basically things that a person can and cannot do. Legislation is another term meaning statutory law. These laws have been enacted by a legislature or the governing body of a country. Legislation can also mean the process of making the law.

It can be understood from the passage that legislation

A) is a different term that determines what a person can and cannot do.

Soruda bizlerden “legislation” yani “kanun koyucu” kavramıyla ilgili bir bilgi istenmiştir, ancak “A” seçeneği neredeyse bu haliyle metinde yer almasına rağmen, bu seçenekteki bilgi bize sorulan “legislation” “kanun koyucu” kavramına ait olmayan ve metinde daha önce değinilen “laws” “kanunlar” kavramına ilişkin bir bilgidir.

Paragraf Soruları’nda Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler: Madde 6

Paragraf soruları, soruluş tarzları bakımından genel olarak beş temel başlık altında incelenebilir. Sorunun neyi istediğini bilmek kadar, neyi nasıl istediğini bilmek de doğru seçeneğe ulaşmada büyük önem taşımaktadır.

Bu beş temel başlık aşağıda belirtildiği gibidir:

a) İçerisinde bilgi bulunduran sorular: Soru içerisindeki bilgi bizleri cevabın bulunduğu belirli satırlara yönlendireceğinden dolayı, bu sorular daha hızlı ve daha kolay çözülebilirler, genellikle detaylı bir yorumlama gerektirmezler bu nedenle doğru cevaplandırılma olasılıkları daha yüksektir.


It is clearly stated in the passage that “due to developments in mechanisation now it is possible” …

Metinde doğrudan tırnak içerisindeki ifadeyle ilgili bilgi veren satırlara yöneleceğimizden adaylar cevabı daha kolay bulabilirler. Cevap bu satırların uzağında olmayaca

b) Açık uçlu sorular: Bu soru tipi, önceki soru tipinin aksine metinde cevap adına odaklanabileceğimiz satırlar adına bilgi içermediğinden dolayı cevaba metnin herhangi bir satırındaki bilgiden ulaşılabilir, bu özelliklerinden dolayı adayların bu sorularda biraz yavaşlayıp, metinle aralarındaki yakınlığı üst düzeyde tutmaları Yorumlamaya çok gerek duyulmaz, genellikle yazarın verdiği bilgilerden direkt olarak yola çıkılır.


  • According to the passage…
  • It can be understood from the passage that…
  • As it is stated in the passage that…
  • One can tell from the passage that…
  • It is pointed out in the passage that…
  • It is told in the passage that…


c) Yorum ve çıkarsama gerektiren sorular: Bu soru türünde bizlerden çoğunlukla metinde doğrudan verilen bilgiler ışığında çoğu kez metinde doğrudan yer almayan dolaylı yargılara ulaşmamız beklenir. Bir başka deyişle bu sorular “satır arası okuma” diye adlandırılabilen yeteneği ölçerler ve üst düzey okuma anlama becerileri gerektirdiklerinden kesinlikle aceleye getirilmemelidirler. Doğru cevap genellikle metinde bizden yorumlanması istenen satır ya da satırlardan farklı görünür. Yorumlama yaparken adayların sınırlarını iyi belirlemesi gerektiği unutulmamalıdır.


  • One can imply from / It is implied in the passage that…
  • One can infer / It can be inferred from the passage that…
  • The passage / the author implies that…


d) Yazarın metindeki üslubu ve görüşleriyle ile ilgili sorular: Bu soru türünde adayların metni kendi gözlerinden değil yazarın gözünden ele almaları Yazarın metin boyunca varsa yaptığı örneklemelere, kullandığı sıfatlara ve alıntılara dikkat edilmelidir.


About the concept of hybrid cars the author is/feels…

  1. sarcastic
  2. hopeful
  3. The author of the passage thinks/feels that…
  4. Throughout the passage the author’s style is…
  5. The author is of the opinion that…


e) Metnin ana fikrini ya da muhtemel başlığını soran sorular: Bu soru türünde adaylardan, yazarın metni yazış amacını ve okuyucuda bırakmak istediği izlenimi de göz önüne alarak, metin boyunca verilen bilgilerin tümünü ya da büyük bir bölümünü tek cümleyle özetleyen bir şıkkı seçmeleri beklenir. Bu soruları çözerken adayların eksik, yanlış bilgi içeren ya da aşırı detaya yoğunlaşan seçeneklerden uzak durmaları, daha geniş ve genel bir bakış açısına sahip olmaları gerekebilir.


  • The main idea of the passage is that…
  • Which of the followings below can be the best title of the passage?
  • The best title for this passage is…
  • The passage mainly suggests/tells/discusses that…
  • The passage is mainly concerned with…


Şimdi de bu değindiğimiz noktaları dört ayrı okuma parçasında bulunan on üç soru soru üstünde inceleyelim;

Paragraf Sorusu: Okuma Parçası 1

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous improvement over Newton’s views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts of nuclear energy.

  1. As we learn from the passage, Einstein’s theory of relativity —-.
  1. was confined to the study of the structure of the atom
  2. gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
  3. gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe
  4. was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy
  5. was basically unrelated to Newton is theories
  1. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that —-.
  1. the splitting of the atom was achieved
  2. fresh sources of energy were discovered
  3. the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
  4. time and space were finally recognized as indestructible
  5. Newton’s theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects
  1. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einstein’s relativity theory —.
  1. was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom
  2. has been to make space exploration possible in our time
  3. was that it proved Newton’s views were quite wrong
  4. was to explain the separateness of matter and energy
  5. has been the discovery of a new source of energy


Paragraf Sorusu, Okuma Parçası 1 Çözümleri

  1. As we learn from the passage, Einstein’s theory of relativity —-.
  1. was confined to the study of the structure of the atom
  2. gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
  3. gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe
  4. was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy
  5. was basically unrelated to Newton is theories


Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous improvement over Newton’s views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts of nuclear energy.

Cevap: B


  1. As we learn from the passage, Einstein’s theory of relativity (Einstein’ın izafiyet teorisi) —-.
  1. was confined to the study of the structure of the atom (Atomun yapısının çalışılmasıyla sınırlı değil.)
  2. gave clarity to various phenomena that Newton had failed to explain
  3. gave very little importance to the role of gravity in the universe (Evrendeki yerçekiminin rolüne neredeyse hiç önem vermiyor ifadesi yanlış bilgi.)
  4. was developed, in the first place, to open up new sources of energy (En baştan yeni enerji kaynakları geliştirmek için geliştirilmedi.)
  5. was basically unrelated to Newton’s theories(Temelinde Newton’un teorileriyle ilgisiz değildi.)


Parçada geçen “Bu (Einstein’ın izafiyet teorisi) Newton’un fikirleri üzerine olan müthiş bir ilerlemeydi, çünkü Newton’un açıklayamadığı pek çok şeyi açıklıyordu.” cümlesi B seçeneğindeki “Newton’un açıklamakta başarısız olduğu çeşitli olgulara açıklık getirdi.” ifadesine karşılık gelmektedir.

  1. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that —-.
  1. the splitting of the atom was achieved
  2. fresh sources of energy were discovered
  3. the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
  4. time and space were finally recognized as indestructible
  5. Newton’s theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects

Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous improvement over Newton’s views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts of nuclear energy.

Cevap: C


  1. According to the passage, it was at about the turn of the 20th century that (Bu yaklaşık 20. yüzyılın başındaydı) —-.
  1. the splitting of the atom was achieved (Atomun parçalanması bu tarihte değil.)
  2. fresh sources of energy were discovered (Yeni enerji kaynaklarının keşfi bu tarihte değil.)
  3. the relativity theory was first put forward by Einstein
  4. time and space were finally recognized as indestructible (Zaman ve mekanın sonunda yok edilemez olduğunun kabul edildiğine dair bir bilgi yok.)
  5. Newton’s theory of gravity was recognized as correct in all respects (Newton’un yerçekimi teorisinin tüm yönleriyle doğru olarak kabul edildiğine dair bir bilgi yok ayrıca bu olay bu tarihe ait değildir.)


Metinde 1900’lerin başlarıyla ilgili olan 1.satırdaki “Einstein ünlü izafiyet teorisini 1900’lerin geliştirdi.” cümlesi C seçeneğindeki “Einstein tarafından izafiyet teorisi ilk kez ortaya kondu” ifadesine karşılık gelmektedir.

  1. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einstein’s relativity theory —.
  1. was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom
  2. has been to make space exploration possible in our time
  3. was that it proved Newton’s views were quite wrong
  4. was to explain the separateness of matter and energy
  5. has been the discovery of a new source of energy


Einstein developed his famous theory of relativity shortly after 1900. It was an enormous improvement over Newton’s views, since it explained many things that Newton could not. It showed the close connection between space, time and gravity. And it led to surprising predictions. One of them was that matter and energy could be changed into each other. The two are simply different forms of the same thing. This idea enabled man to split the atom and later to obtain large amounts of nuclear energy.

Cevap: E


  1. We understand from the passage that one of the benefits of Einstein’s relativity theory (Einstein’ın izafiyet teorisinin yararlarından birisi) —-.
  1. was to show the potential danger of the splitting of the atom (Atomun parçalanmasının potansiyel tehlikesine dair bir bilgi yok.)
  2. has been to make space exploration possible in our time (Günümüzde uzayın keşfini mümkün hale getirmesiyle ilgili bir bilgi yok.)
  3. was that it proved Newton’s views were quite wrong (Newton’un görüşlerinin yanlış olduğunu kanıtladığına dair bilgi yok.)
  4. was to explain the separateness of matter and energy (Madde ve enerjinin ayrılığını açıkladığına dair bir veri yok ayrıca metindeki bu iki unsurun birbirlerine dönüştürülebileceği bu görüşü çürütür.)
  5. has been the discovery of a new source of energy


Parçanın son cümlesi olan “Bu görüş insanoğlunun atomu parçalamasını ve sonrada büyük miktarlarda nükleer enerji elde etmesini sağladı.” ifadesi E seçeneğinde verilen “yeni bir enerji kaynağının keşfidir” ifadesine karşılık gelmektedir.

Paragraf Sorusu: Okuma Parçası 2

The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.


  1. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope —-.
  1. only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them
  2. can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
  3. is no longer the world’s most sensitive radio telescope
  4. does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently
  5. is old and so less efficient than it used to be 
  1. It’s clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope —-.
  1. should have been given a less complicated design
  2. turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated
  3. has to be replaced completely at regular intervals
  4. presents a serious maintenance problem
  5. has to be painted at least once a year 
  1. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope —-.
  1. requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous
  2. is quite straightforward once the method has been learned
  3. requires the removal of the dish
  4. is relatively easy but extremely boring
  5. can be done by anyone who knows how to paint 

Paragraf Sorusu, Okuma Parçası 2 Çözümleri

  1. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope —-.
  1. only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them
  2. can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
  3. is no longer the world’s most sensitive radio telescope
  4. does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently
  5. is old and so less efficient than it used to be


The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: B


  1. It is pointed out in the passage that the Lovell Telescope (Lovell Teleskobu) —-.
  1. only picks up signals effectively when the angle of the dish is in line with them (Çanak antenin açısı sinyalleri, sadece onların doğrultusunda olduğunda etkili bir şekilde topladığına dair bir bilgi yok.)
  2. can pick up signals that are an immense distance away
  3. is no longer the world’s most sensitive radio telescope (Artık dünyanın en hassas radyo teleskobu olmaması yanlış bilgi, çünkü metinden hala öyle olduğunu anlıyoruz.)
  4. does not need to be supported at a great height in order to function efficiently (Metinde teleskobun etkili çalışması için çok büyük bir yükseklikte ayakta tutulmasına gerek olmadığına hiç değinilmemiş.)
  5. is old and so less efficient than it used to be (Eski ve bu yüzden eskiden olduğundan daha az etkili olduğuna dair bir bilgi yok.)


Yukarıdaki metinde bulunan “Teleskop evrendeki on milyar ışık yılı mesafesindeki sinyalleri alabilir.” cümlesi B seçeneğinde verilen “Çok büyük mesafelerdeki sinyalleri alabilir.”  ifadesine karşılık gelmektedir.

  1. It’s clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope —-.
  1. should have been given a less complicated design
  2. turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated
  3. has to be replaced completely at regular intervals
  4. presents a serious maintenance problem
  5. has to be painted at least once a year


The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: D


  1. It’s clear from the passage that the steel structure supporting the Lovell Telescope (Lovell Teleskobunu ayakta tutan çelik yapı) —-.  
  1. should have been given a less complicated design (Metinde çelik yapının daha az karmaşık bir şekilde tasarlanmış olmasına dair bir bilgi yok.)
  2. turned out to be more expensive than had been estimated (Yapının tahmin edilenden daha pahalı olduğuna hiç değinilmemiş.)
  3. has to be replaced completely at regular intervals (Yapının düzenli aralıklarla tamamen yenilenmesine değil, boyanmasına değinildi.)
  4. presents a serious maintenance problem
  5. has to be painted at least once a year (Boyama işleminin en az yılda bir kez yapılmasına dair bir bilgi yok.)


Metinde geçen “Ancak, teleskobu taşıyan çelik yapı olağan ve çok alışılagelmiş paslanma eğiliminde olma dezavantajına sahiptir. Bu onun düzenli olarak boyanmak zorunda olduğu anlamına gelir. Ancak, bunu boyamak sıradan ve basit bir iş değildir.” ifadesinden yola çıkarak D seçeneğinde yer alan “ciddi bir bakım problemi ortaya koyar” sonucuna varılabilir. 

  1. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope —-.
  1. requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous
  2. is quite straightforward once the method has been learned
  3. requires the removal of the dish
  4. is relatively easy but extremely boring
  5. can be done by anyone who knows how to paint


The Lovell Telescope is the world’s oldest and most sensitive radio telescope. It consists of a giant white dish supported at a great height on a large and complicated structure of steel. The telescope can pick up signals in the universe that are 10 billion light years away. And so it is truly extraordinary. The steel structure that carries it, however, has the usual and very ordinary disadvantage of being liable to rust. This of course means that it has to be painted regularly. Painting this, however, is not an ordinary or a simple task. The men who do the painting are given a special training which includes rescue work. As they do the painting, the men work from ropes as this is the method which has been found to be the safest way of working at a height.

Cevap: A


  1. It is clear from the passage that the work of painting the steel structure of this telescope (Bu teleskobun çelik yapısını boyama işi) —-.
  1. requires special skills and is also comparatively dangerous
  2. is quite straightforward once the method has been learned (Boyama işinin yöntem öğrenilince oldukça basit olması yanlış bilgi, metinde aksi yer alıyor.)
  3. requires the removal of the dish (Çanak antenin sökülmesinin gerektiğine dair bir bilgi yok.)
  4. is relatively easy but extremely boring (Boyama işleminin oldukça kolay fakat aşırı sıkıcı olması hem yanlış hem de metinde değinilmemiş bilgi.)
  5. can be done by anyone who knows how to paint (Boya yapmayı bilen herhangi biri tarafından yapılabileceği yanlış bilgidir, metinde sıra dışı bir iş olduğundan bahsediliyor.)


Metinde geçen “Boyayı yapanlara kurtarma çalışmalarının da dahil olduğu özel bir eğitim verilir.” cümlesi yorumlandığında A seçeneğinde yer alan “Özel beceriler gerektirir ve aynı zamanda oldukça tehlikelidir” ifadesine ulaşılmaktadır.

Paragraf Sorusu: Okuma Parçası 3

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are America’s most popular educational centres. Dr Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.


7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to —-.

  1. help improve NASA’s injured public image
  2. promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA
  3. encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences
  4. spread among young people Dr Werner von Braun’s theories concerning space
  5. give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities

8. As it is pointed out in the passage —-.

  1. man’s knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon
  2. space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began
  3. the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe
  4. man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
  5. the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space 

9. As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of space camps —-. 

  1. was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
  2. had himself always been fascinated by space
  3. was actually little known until the first moon landing
  4. had been working for NASA since the early 1980s
  5. had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach

Paragraf Sorusu, Okuma Parçası 3 Çözümleri:

7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to —-.

  1. help improve NASA’s injured public image
  2. promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA
  3. encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences
  4. spread among young people Dr Werner von Braun’s theories concerning space
  5. give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities

Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are America’s most popular educational centres. Dr Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: E


7. We understand from the passage that the main reason why space camps are set up is to (Uzay kamplarının kurulmasının esas nedeni) —-.

  1. help improve NASA’s injured public image (Parçada NASA’nın zedelenmiş kamu imajına değinilmemiş.)
  2. promote the scientific activities undertaken by NASA (Kampların amacı NASA’nın üstlendiği bilimsel faaliyetleri desteklemek değil, yanlış bilgi.)
  3. encourage young people to consider making a career for themselves in space sciences (Kampların amacı gençlerin uzay bilimlerinde bir kariyeri düşünmelerini sağlamak değil.)
  4. spread among young people Dr Werner von Braun’s theories concerning space (Parçada Dr Werner von Braun’un uzay ile ilgili teorilerinden bahsedilmedi.)
  5. give youngsters an opportunity to enjoy learning about space and related scientific activities


Parçada vurgulanan kısımdaki “Kamplar eğlenceli bir atmosfer içerisinde gençlere en son uzay teknolojilerini ve bilimlerini öğretmeyi amaçlamaktadır.” ifadesinin karşılığı E seçeneğinde verilen “Gençlere uzay ve ilgili faaliyetler hakkında öğrenme fırsatını verme” ifadesinin karşılığı olacaktır.

8. As it is pointed out in the passage —-.

  1. man’s knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon
  2. space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began
  3. the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe
  4. man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
  5. the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space


Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are America’s most popular educational centres. Dr Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: D 


8.As it is pointed out in the passage (Parçada işaret edildiği gibi) —-. 

  1. man’s knowledge of space grew immensely with the landing on the moon (Metinde uzay bilgisinin aya inişle muazzam şekilde geliştiğine değinilmedi.)
  2. space camps were set up as soon as space exploration began (Uzay kampları uzayın keşfi başlar başlamaz kurulmadı.)
  3. the exploration of space has revealed nearly all the secrets of the universe (Metinde uzayın keşfinin neredeyse evrenin tüm sırlarını ortaya çıkarttığına değinilmedi, ayrıca “neredeyse tüm” çok iddialı bir ifade.)
  4. man has always felt attracted to the unfamiliar and the unexplored, such as space
  5. the Saturn V rocket has been used for various purposes in the exploration of space (Metinde bu roketin, uzayın keşfindeki çeşitli amaçlar için kullanıldığına değinilmedi, yanlış bilgi.)


Parçada vurgulanan kısımdaki “Uzay kampları, insan doğasının çok derinlerine işlemiş bir boyutu olan bilinmeyenin cazibesine bir karşılıktır.” cümlesi yorumlandığında bizlere D seçeneğinde verilen “İnsanoğlu her zaman uzay gibi iyi bilinmeyen ve keşfedilmemiş şeyler tarafından etkilenmiştir.” ifadesine ulaşabiliriz.

9.As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of space camps —-. 

  1. was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
  2. had himself always been fascinated by space
  3. was actually little known until the first moon landing
  4. had been working for NASA since the early 1980s
  5. had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach


Space camps are a response to the rapidly expanding discovery of space and to the fascination with the unknown which is such a deeply ingrained aspect of human nature. The birth of the space camp project, designed to educate young people about space, goes back to the year 1982. With the support of NASA, the camps aim to teach young people about the latest space technology and sciences in an entertaining atmosphere. They are America’s most popular educational centres. Dr Werner von Braun, the scientist celebrated as the father of the Saturn V rocket, which carried the first manned flight to the moon, was the first person to put forward the idea of space camps.

Cevap: A 


9.As is pointed out in the passage, the person who first suggested the establishment of space camps (Uzay kamplarının kurulmasını öneren ilk kişi) —-. 

  1. was also responsible for sending the first astronauts to the moon
  2. had himself always been fascinated by space (Kendisinin de her zaman uzay tarafından büyülendiğine dair parçada bir veri yok.)
  3. was actually little known until the first moon landing (İlk aya inişe kadar neredeyse hiç tanınmıyordu ifadesi yanlış bilgi.)
  4. had been working for NASA since the early 1980s (1980’lerin başı, kampların kurulma fikrinin ilk kez ortaya atılmasına ait, bu kişinin orada göreve başlama tarihine değil, yanlış bilgi.)
  5. had always stressed that the education of young people should have a practical approach (Metinde bu kişinin her zaman gençlerin eğitiminin pratik bir yaklaşıma sahip olması gerektiğini vurgulamasına hiç değinilmedi, eklenti bilgi.) 


Parçada vurgulanan bölümdeki “Aya ilk insanlı uçuşu gerçekleştiren Satürn V roketinin babası olarak anılan Dr Werner von Braun uzay kampları fikrini ortaya atan ilk kişiydi.” cümlesinden hareketle A seçeneğinde verilen “Aynı zamanda aya ilk astronotları yollamaktan da sorumluydu.” ifadesine ulaşırız.

Paragraf Sorusu: Okuma Parçası 4

During the “hunger winter” of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of the city’s trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When peace came, this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily “encounter” or “inbetween-ness” of social space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

  1. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive reconstruction due to —-.
  1. the destruction caused by World War II
  2. the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction
  3. vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property
  4. the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style
  5. the failure of modern architecture 
  1. It is stated in the passage that although —-, it was mostly unable to do so.
  1. a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam
  2. modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive new style in cities
  3. post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck
  4. Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II
  5. post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach 
  1. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World War II in Europe —-.
  1. were the work of a very talented group of young architects
  2. immediately became popular and have remained so to this day
  3. became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities
  4. failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
  5. had playgrounds designed by van Eyck
  1. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck —-.
  1. approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues
  2. thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim
  3. viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability
  4. thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design modern cities
  5. believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust in a city’s residents

Paragraf Sorusu, Okuma Parçası 4 Çözümleri

  1. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive reconstruction due to —-.
  1. the destruction caused by World War II
  2. the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction
  3. vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property
  4. the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style
  5. the failure of modern architecture


During the “hunger winter” of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of the city’s trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily “encounter” or “inbetween-ness” of social space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

Cevap: A 


  1. We understand from the passage that, in the late 1940s, Europe was in need of massive reconstruction due to —-. (1940’ların sonunda Avrupa … dan dolayı devasa bir yeniden yapılandırma gereksinimindeydi)
  1. the destruction caused by World War II
  2. the mechanistic approach taken by post-war architects to urban reconstruction (yapılandırmayı gerektiren, savaş sonrası mimarlarının benimsediği mekanik yaklaşım değil.)
  3. vandalism, disrepair and abandonment of property (Metinde vandallık, bakımsızlık ve terk edilmişlik ifadelerin bağlı bulunduğu cümle present perfect tenseile kurulmuştur, ikinci dünya savaşından daha çok günümüze bakan bir anlatı gibi gözüküyor, devamındaki “Van Eyck bunun yaklaştığını görmüştü” şeklinde yorumlanabilen cümle bunun bir kanıtı olabilir.)
  4. the unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style (Sosyal yönden duyarlı kentsel tarzın şehirdeki yıkımla ilgisi yok.)
  5. the failure of modern architecture (Çağdaş mimarinin başarısız olması yeniden yapılandırmanın nedeni değil.)


Metinde vurgulanan kısımda “Şehirdeki pek çok ağacın kesilmesinden, terk edilmiş binaların iç kısımlarının yakacak için parçalanmasından ve barış geldiğinde de bir zamanlar şehirlerinin en güzeli ve kentseli olan Amsterdam’ın geniş kapsamlı bir yeniden yapılandırmaya ihtiyaç duyduğu” bahsedilmiştir. Bu ifade bizlere “ikinci dünya savaşından kaynaklanan yıkım” şeklinde Türkçeye çevrilen A seçeneğini düşündürmelidir.

  1. It is stated in the passage that although —-, it was mostly unable to do so.
  1. a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam
  2. modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive new style in cities
  3. post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck
  4. Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II
  5. post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach


During the “hunger winter” of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of the city’s trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily “encounter” or “inbetween-ness” of social space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust. 

Cevap: B 


  1. It is stated in the passage that although —-, it was mostly unable to do so. (… olmasına rağmen, bunu çoğunlukla başaramadı.)
  1. a small playground was the first project designed by van Eyck while at the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam (Bu ilk projenin başarısızlığına dair bir anlatı yok.)
  2. modern European architecture had a chance after World War II to create an attractive new style in cities
  3. post-war architecture in Europe was greatly influenced by the ideas of Aldo van Eyck (Savaş sonrası mimari, Aldo van Eyck’in fikirlerinden değil, çağdaş mimariyi destekleyen mimarların fikirlerinden etkilendi.)
  4. Amsterdam suffered major destruction during World War II (İkinci dünya savaşı esnasında Amsterdam ciddi bir yıkım yaşadı ifadesi soru kökündeki bunu çoğunlukla başaramadı ifadesiyle birleştiğinde yanlış bir bilgi ortaya çıkıyor.)
  5. post-World War II architecture in Europe took a mechanistic approach (Soru köküyle birlikte düşündüğümüzde Avrupa’daki ikinci dünya savaşı sonrası mimari modern bir yaklaşım benimsedi fakat çoğunlukla böyle olmadı cümlesi metne göre yine yanlış.) 


Metinde vurgulanan yerde yer alan “Avrupa’da ikinci dünya savaşının sonunu takip eden yıllarda çağdaş mimari sosyal yönden duyarlı kentsel tarzı yansıtmak için eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir fırsat yakaladı, fakat günümüzde ortak görüş çoğu yerde bunun başarısız olduğudur.” ifadesi bizi “Çağdaş Avrupa mimarisinin ikinci dünya savaşından sonra şehirlerde etkileyici yeni bir tarz yaratma şansına sahip olmasından” bahseden B seçeneğine götürecektir.

  1. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World War II in Europe —-.
  1. were the work of a very talented group of young architects
  2. immediately became popular and have remained so to this day
  3. became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities
  4. failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
  5. had playgrounds designed by van Eyck


During the “hunger winter” of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of the city’s trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily “encounter” or “inbetween-ness” of social space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust. 

Cevap: D 


  1. It is clear from the passage that the new towns and residential areas built after World War II in Europe —-. (Avrupa’da ikinci dünya savaşından sonra inşa edilen yeni kasabalar ve yerleşim alanları —-.)
  1. were the work of a very talented group of young architects (Bu mimarların çok yetenekli olmalarına dair bir bilgi yok.)
  2. immediately became popular and have remained so to this day (Bu yerlerin hemen popüler olup bugüne dek öyle kalmaları hakkında bir bilgi yok.)
  3. became the most beautiful areas in and around the cities (Metinde savaşından sonra inşa edilen yeni kasabalar ve yerleşim alanları hakkında olumlu bir anlatı bulunmuyor, “en güzel yerler haline geldi” ifadesi ayrıca çok iddialı.)
  4. failed to provide a sense of community for the residents
  5. had playgrounds designed by van Eyck (Parçada van Eyck’in ilk projesi olarak yalnızca bir oyun alanı inşa ettiğinden bahsediliyor.) 


Metinde vurgulanmış kısım olan “Mimarinin ve kentsel toplum ve dayanışmayı yeniden yaratma planının başarısızlığı savaş sonrası Avrupa’da bir sorun haline gelmiştir.” ifadesi bizlere “Orada yaşayanlara bir topluluk algısı sunmada başarısız oldu.” biçiminde Türkçeleştirilen D seçeneğini düşündürmelidir. 

  1. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck —-.
  1. approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues
  2. thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim
  3. viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability
  4. thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design modern cities
  5. believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust in a city’s residents


During the “hunger winter” of 1944 in Amsterdam, over 20,000 people died of starvation. Many of the city’s trees were cut down, and the interiors of abandoned buildings broken up for fuel. When peace came this once most beautiful and urbane of cities was in urgent need of large-scale reconstruction. In the years following the end of World War II in Europe, modern architecture had an unprecedented opportunity to demonstrate a socially minded, urban style. The consensus today is that in most places it failed. The young Dutch architect Aldo van Eyck was one of the earliest critics of the mechanistic approach taken by his modernist colleagues to urban reconstruction. The failure of architecture and planning to recreate forms of urban community and solidarity has become a problem in post-war Europe, as so many acclaimed housing estates, new towns, or newly designed urban quarters, around Europe, have been troubled by vandalism, disrepair and abandonment. Van Eyck saw this coming. In 1947 at the age of 28, he went to work for the Office for Public Works in Amsterdam and, as his first project, built a small playground. This was in line with his belief that by promoting and shaping the daily “encounter” or “inbetween-ness” of social space, architecture could humanize cities and create public trust.

 Cevap: E 


  1. According to the passage, Aldo van Eyck —-. 
  1. approved of the mechanistic design approach of his modernist colleagues (Mekanik tasarım yaklaşımına karşıydı.)
  2. thought that many post-war residential areas deserved acclaim (Savaş sonrası mimari yaklaşıma dair olumlu bir fikre sahip değil.)
  3. viewed the post-war period as an opportunity to display his design ability (Savaş sonrası dönemin yetenek sergilemek için müthiş bir fırsat olması yazarın görüşü Aldo van Eyck’in değil.)
  4. thought the post-war period was a good opportunity to destroy older buildings and design modern cities (Daha eski binaları yok edip modern şehirler tasarlamak onun fikri değil.)
  5. believed that urban architecture had the power to create a sense of solidarity and trust in a city’s residents 


Son bölümde bulunan “Sosyal alanların günlük “rastlaşmaları” ve “şekil değiştirmelerini” destekleyerek ve biçimlendirerek mimari, şehirleri insancıllaştırabilir ve kamu güveni oluşturabilir” ifadesi yorumlandığında E seçeneğinde verilen “(Aldo van Eyck) kentsel mimarinin, şehrin sakinlerinde dayanışma ve güven hissi yaratma gücü olduğuna inanıyordu” ifadesine ulaşırız.

YDS, YÖKDİL ve LYS-5’te karşılaşılan diğer soru türleri için yazılarımız devam edecek.

Diğer konulara ulaşmak için aşağıdaki başlıklara tıklayabilirsiniz.

Cloze Test – YDS, YÖKDİL, LYS-5 Soru Çözüm Teknikleri #1

Cümle Tamamlama – YDS, YÖKDİL, LYS-5 Soru Çözüm Teknikleri #2

YDS ve YÖKDİL için Çeviri Teknikleri: EN-TR – YDS, YÖKDİL, LYS-5 Soru Çözüm Teknikleri #3

YDS ve YÖKDİL için Çeviri Teknikleri: TR-EN – YDS, YÖKDİL, LYS-5 Soru Çözüm Teknikleri #4

Bu örneklerin ve kuralların yer aldığı tüm teknikleri, Soru Çözüm Paketimizde ve Soru Çözüm Paketinin yer aldığı üst paketlerimiz olan YDS Hazırlık Paketi ve LYS-5 Hazırlık Paketi‘nde bulabilir ve bu paketlere kayıt olduğunuzda size gönderilen sınav hazırlık kitaplarında da çok fazla örneğin yer aldığını göreceksiniz.

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